BiB3O6 (BIBO) Crystal
CASTECH社では、BIBO単結晶の成長に "top-seeded solution growth"(TSSG)技術を用いています。

- 厳格な品質管理
- 結晶サイズは最大10 x 10 x 15 mm3まで提供
- ARコーティング、マウント、再研磨
- 短納期
Chemical and Structural properties
Crystal Structure | Monoclinic,Point group 2 |
Lattice Parameter | a=7.116Å, b=4.993Å, c=6.508Å, β=105.62° ,Z=2 |
Melting Point | 726℃ |
Mohs Hardness | 5-5.5 |
Density | 5.033 g/cm3 |
Thermal Expansion coefficient | αa=4.8x10-5/K, αb=4.4x10-6/K, αc=-2.69x10-5/K |
Optical and Nonlinear Optical Properties
Transparency Range | 286-2500nm |
Absorption Coefficient | <0.1%/cm at 1064nm |
Physical Axis | X//b,(Z,a)=31.6°,(Y,c)=47.2° |
SHG of 1064/532 | Phase matching angle:168.9° from z axis in YZ plane Deff:3.0+/-0.1 pm/V Angular acceptance:2.32 arad-cm Walk-off angle :25.6 mrad temperature acceptance:2.17°C-cm |
Sellmeier coefficients ※ | ||||
A | B | C | D | |
n1 | 3.6545(4) | 0.0511(2) | 0.0371(3) | 0.0226(1) |
n2 | 3.0740(3) | 0.0323(1) | 0.0316(3) | 0.01337(6) |
n3 | 3.1685(3) | 0.0373(1) | 0.0346(3) | 0.01750(8) |
※ni2(λ)=A+B / (λ2-C)-Dλ2 (λ in µm)
CASTECH's Warranty on BIBO Specifications
Dimension tolerance:
(L≥2.5mm)(W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.1/-0.1mm) (L<2.5mm) - Clear aperture: central 90% of the diameter
- Flatness: less than λ/8 @ 633nm
- Transmitting wavefront distortion: less than λ/8 @ 633nm
- Chamfer: ≤0.2mmx45°
- Chip: ≤0.1mm
- Scratch/Dig code: better than 10/ 5 to MIL-PRF-13830B
- Parallelism: better than 20 arc seconds
- Perpendicularity: ≤5 arc minutes
- Angle tolerance: Δθ≤0.25°, ΔΦ≤0.25°
- Damage threshold[GW/cm2 ]: >0.3 for 1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10HZ
- Quality Warranty Period: one year under proper use.