G&H社のHVR-Driveは、高繰り返し超高速レーザー再生増幅器のパルス管理に使用されるポッケルスセルのスイッチング用に設計されています。このドライバーの繰り返し周波数は0~200 kHz、出力電圧は0~7.5 kV、立ち上がりと立ち下がりの時間は10~15ns、パルス幅は100 ns~5 µsです。このドライバーは、立ち上がりと立ち下がりのエッジが速いトップハット波形を生成します。


HVR-Driveは、対流冷却用の標準ヒートシンク付きで136.5x178x70 mmです。また、より高い繰り返し周波数用に空冷または水冷も可能です。


  • 0-200 kHz繰り返しパルス
  • 1.0-7.5 kV出力電圧
  • 10-15 nsの立ち上がりおよび立ち下がり時間
  • パルス幅100 ns~5 µs
  • バイポーラ平衡出力


Low voltage supply Min: 21.0 VDC, Max: 28.0 VDC
Low voltage supply: 200 kHz rep rate Max: 300 mA
2 x high voltage supplies Max: 200 mA (For 7.5kV out, external ± 1875 VDC required ※1)
On/Off trigger voltage Min: 4 V, Max: 15 V, Normally 5 V, TTL
Trigger to output delay (5 V trigger) Min: 60 ns, Max: 50 ns
ON/OFF trigger separation (determines output pulse width) Min: 100 ns, Max: 5000 ns
Trigger pulse width (Actual ON or OFF pulse) Min: 50 ns, Max: 100 ns
Jitter, trigger to output Max: 50 ps (2 ns trigger rise time)
Repetition rate Max: 100 kHz (7.5 kV, 10 pF, water cooled ※2), Max: 150 kHz (6.0 kV, 10 pF, water cooled), Max: 200 kHz (5.0 kV, 10 pF, water cooled)
Duty cycle Ratio of pulse width to period (1/frequency): 20 %
Pulse amplitude Min: 1.0 kV, Max: 7.5 kV
Rise/fall time Min: 10 ns, Max: 15 ns
Operating ambient Min: 0 °C, Max: 50 °C

Two external high voltage power supplies are required; one positive output, one negative output.
For example, to achieve 6 kV output you will need ±1500 VDC input.

  • ※1
    High voltage current requirements are determined by the pulse width and repetition rate.
    Rise and fall times vary with output voltage and rep rate; higher voltages produce longer rise and fall times.
  • ※2
    Convection cooled, the maximum rep rate is 25 kHz @ 7.5 kV, 37.5 kHz @ 6 kV and 50 kHz @ 5 kV.

Water cooled with optional cold plate. Chiller set to 24°C, flow rate to 1.0 gal/minute (4 liter/min) nominal.


Do not connect the outputs to ground or damage to the driver will occur.
The low voltage supply must be on before applying the high voltage inputs.
DO NOT exceed a 20% duty cycle (ratio of pulse ON time to pulse OFF time).
The On/Off triggers must not overlap or damage to the driver will occur (minimum separation is 100 ns).




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