『製品タイプ』、『用途』、『応用分野 / 市場』、『製品カテゴリー』、『波長』の条件から、お探しの製品を絞り込んで検索できます。
正のアクロマートレンズ 可視光用
(マウントなし ・ ⌀ 3~31.5 mm)正のアクロマートレンズ 可視光用
(マウントなし ・ ⌀40mm以上)正のアクロマートレンズ 可視光用
(マウント付き ・ ⌀ 3~31.5 mm)コンデンサ
(組みレンズ f=16mm ・ クラウンガラス)平面基板
(N-BK7)・Ideal substrates for planar optical components, such as plane mirrors, filters or beamsplitter plates
・Ideal for use as windows in optical systems
・Surfaces uncoatedUVグレード石英ガラス平面基板
(標準品質)・Ideal substrates for planar optical components, such as plane mirrors, filters, or beamsplitter plates
・Ideal for use as windows in optical systems
・Surfaces uncoatedUVグレード石英ガラス平面基板
(高面精度)・Ideal substrates for planar optical components, such as plane mirrors, filters, or beamsplitter plates
・Ideal for use as windows in optical systems
・Superior quality plates with high flatness of λ/10 on one surface (marked)
・4 diamond polishing: better than 1 nm rms
・Surfaces uncoatedUVグレード石英ガラス平面基板
(高面精度 ・ 高平行度)・Ideal substrates for planar optical components, such as plane mirrors, filters, or beamsplitter plates
・Ideal for use as windows in optical systems
・Superior quality circular plates with high flatness and high parallelism
・Surfaces uncoatedシアプレート
・Wedge plate with high accuracy
・For collimation testing of laser beams
・For producing minimum angular or linear beam displacements
・Useful aid for equalizing minimum optical path differences直角プリズム(二等辺三角形)
・Deflect light rays
・Easy alignment
・Please look at chapter Thin Film Coatings regarding customized coatings.
・Standard coating ARB2 for the visible spectral range or RAL/RAGV coatings are available for higher quantities on request.直角プリズム(銀コート & 反射防止コート付き)
・Deflect light rays
・Easy to align
・To be used as deflection mirror or reflection prism
・Higher acceptance angle than uncoated prisms直角ポロプリズム(二等辺三角形)
・180° beam deflection, image-inverting
・N-BaK4 glass
・Please look at chapter regarding customized coatings.
・Standard coating ARB2 for the visible spectral range or RAL/RAGV coatings are available for higher quantities on request.