Co:Spinel - Cobalt Spinel - Passive Q Switch
Available Disk Lengths:Depends on Optical Density Choice, Available Disk Diameters:5-10 mm
Applications: Passive Q-Switch Material, Available Disk Lengths:Depends on Optical Density Choice, Available Disk Diameters:5-10 mm
KTP (KTiOPO4 - Potassium Titanyl Phosphate)
Applications: Harmonic Generation for Frequency Doubling, Optical Parametric Oscillator, Electro-Optic Pockel Cells and Quasi Phase Matching.
Neodymium: Gadolinium Vanadate (Nd:GdVO4)
Gadolinium vanadate doped with neodymium, Nd:GdVO4, exhibits a larger absorption and emission cross section compared to Nd:YAG. Nd:GdVO4 has a 7-times higher absorption cross section at 808nm than does Nd:YAG.
TGG (Terbium Gallium Garnet)
Applications: Faraday Rotators and Isolators. The combination of high thermal conductivity and low optical loss make TGG better suited for high average power applications than Tb-doped glasses.
Undoped YAG (Yttrium Aluminum Garnet)
Undoped YAG is an alternative to Sapphire as an optical material.